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About Partimesjob.com

Partimesjob.com is the online part time job outsourcing website and leading job search site specializing in the best Home-based work provider, temporary works, vocational jobs, weekend jobs, part-time, flexible, and free time jobs available. Find a better flexible work today for free!
Partimesjob.com business model depends on job listings and Job employer branding or visibility advertisements, on the one hand, and Resume or CV database access, on the other. Additionally the features of our website include: jobseeker services such as candidates services which is totally free for job seekers; also provides value-added features such as resume/CV writing, Top Listing/highlighting, etc., for jobseekers; and Simple online tools to search resumes and job applications database for screening programs for employer and recruitment consultancy customers. The website also uses Google Ad-sense and mobile ads revenues contribute to the website revenue as well.